Jodi Breakers–Film Review

Jodi Breakers seems to stem out from someone pointing out after watching Band Baaja Baraat (BBB) -‘what if they specialized in breaking than making couples?’

Well, for sale yes? Then? Then what?


Then, more about we get Jodi Breakers – which has a plotline uncannily similar to BBB; with same crucial plot-points – an impulsive drunken love making just prior to the interval, the hero’s non-committal stance the morning after, the partnership breakup, and then the final ‘assignment’.

Only that, the ‘last assignment together’ happens to be a patch-up one rather than a break up as the title and their work would warrant (but then, this is Bollywood so it’s kind of expected to make it soppy; or perhaps, the writer’s inventive-ness would go that far only. It would have been, however, quite an interesting twist (and a complete mirror to Band Baaja Baraat) had the plot somehow brought the couple together for a ‘final break up assignment’ but that would have required a huge amount of thinking on the writer’s part, as also to keep the audience emotionally involved.

Anyways, having said that neither does the film carry Band Baaja Baarat‘s spunk and exuberance, nor does it have the narrative cohesion. In short, it’s a choppy ride, with a few laughs thrown in randomly, and a narrative that just hums along.

The dialogues are functional, the Greece out-door shoot captures the beauty clinically, and the music is awful. The lead pair go through the motions pretty well, and the supporting cast do their duties.

The whole problem is that while it’s not boring, and kind of two-hours don’t get really wasted, but that chutzpah and spark is conspicuously absent.

In short, a wholly average fare.

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