Posts Tagged ‘New Normal’


Thursday, July 15th, 2021

Well, the new virus has taken over everyone’s lives. And like how?! Last year in March when my organisation announced we can work from home, we thought it will be for a few days. The first few days were exciting. No long drive to work. No fixed schedule. You could sit in your bed – and you could get some free time off, because no one frankly works constantly. But, the days turned into weeks. And weeks into months. The novelty wore off. And I settled into a neat routine – set up a ‘office’ in the living room. Zoom and WebEx calls became the norm, and as days passed much easier to operate & handle. Other than the drive, and wearing formals, I set my routine to include all that I would have done in office. That is, get ready before 9.00, log into my laptop & clear off the pending mails, before slipping into the myriad calls and virtual meetings.

We are in 2021. Another half of the year is over. But this madness refuses to go. Even the ‘new normal’ is getting old. Worse, this routine has become habit and another inertia has set in. So, once we are all normal it will be another chore to drive to office all over again, and sit tightly in the office chairs, in stiff formal dress!

I had another scare – health wise, which was far removed from the virus, and scraped those gruelling days – from ICU to home care. Thankfully, things are looking up on that front now.

I am vaccinated. So, am a little better off than many.

Life goes on. Wonder if we will be looking back to these tough days with what sort of memories, say, five years down the line!